Saint Petersburg, Mitava, 25 January 1730.
Paper, ink; handwriting.
@Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Moscow
"Condicio" of Empress Anna Ioannovna.
Stepan Semenovich Shchukin.
Oil on canvas.
@State Historical and Artistic Museum "Gatchina"
Portrait of Emperor Paul I.
Russia, 1750-1760s.
Cloth, stamin, silver-gilt galloon, brass, wrapped silver thread, flat metal thread, twisted thread and spangles, coloured silk threads, moiré; weaving.
@State Historical Museum, Moscow
Caftan of the Second Lieutenant of the Life Guards of the Semenovsky Regiment and St Andrew Ribbon.
Belonged to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Russia, mid-18th century.
Silver, gold, velvet; casting, enamel, gilding.
@The Moscow Kremlin Museums
Badge of Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.
Belonged to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Russia, 1755.
Gold, leather, kid-skin, taffeta; casting, casing.
@The Moscow Kremlin Museums
Russia, Saint Petersburg, 1724.
Silver; casting, carving, gilding, chasing.
@The Moscow Kremlin Museums
Crown of Empress Catherine I.
Russia, 1742.
Sewing master Barsatiniy.
Broadcloth, woolen cloth, canvas, leather, velvet, silver-gilt galloon, wrapped gold, flat silver thread, silk threads, non-precious metal; weaving, sewing, appliqué, casting.
@The Moscow Kremlin Museums
Tabard (from parade equipment of Leib Company).
Moscow or Saint Petersburg, 1740-1760.
Gold, silver, precious stones; enamel, chasing, flat chasing, mounting.
@The Moscow Kremlin Museums
Moscow, 1730.
Masters: Samson Larionov, Kalina Afanasiev, Nikita Milyukov, Pyotr Semyonov, Luka Fyodorov.
Silver, diamonds, rubies, tourmalines; casting, chasing, carving, gilding.
@The Moscow Kremlin Museums
Crown of Empress
Anna Ioannovna.